Friday, January 9, 2009

Not Every Day is Meant to be Productive

Business is slowly increasing since the holidays but I have quite a bit of time to work on the website, make flyers, and get various odds and ends completed before the onslaught (hopefully) of winter customers. So why is it that when I have time to complete projects my energy and focus doesn't cooperate. No matter what I do, things just don't flow. Since my New Years intention is to not struggle but keep my peace, I could have just stopped and gone with the flow of doing absolutely nothing productive. But I just couldn't do it. It became a quest to complete the goal I had for the day, despite having to push through - and you know what? I did. I completed my goal and it felt really good. I felt very satisfied. This must be why I make a habit of pushing instead of stopping and changing course. It feels really good to complete the task. So now I guess I just need to be conscious of whether my peace or the end result is more important to me in each instance ... that is where I stand so far on my New Year intention ...

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